Benefits of a Good Night’s Sleep


We all love our sleep and it really is a precious commodity. There always seems to be something depriving us or pulling us away from our sleep. Whether it’s a marathon Netflix binge, waking babies, late-night catch-up work on our laptops, there is always something we put before sleep. Not only that I find its almost something to brag about ‘I only had hours sleep last night!’ It is almost as if prioritizing sleep is looked down upon.


What are the benefits of a good night’s sleep?

1.      Sleep reduces stress- when we are not getting enough sleep the body goes into a state of stress, which puts the body into a state of high alert. Stress also makes falling to sleep difficult. Relaxation techniques, meditation and practising mindfulness all help to reduce stress and encourage good quality sleep.


2.      Sleep makes us more alert- When we have a good night sleep, we feel more alert and energised the next day.


3.      Sleep helps the body repair itself- While sleep is a time for relaxation, it is also when the body repairs itself. Our cells produce more protein whilst sleeping, this protein provides the building blocks for cells allowing them to repair damage.


4.      Sleep may reduce risk of depression- Getting between 7-9 hours of sleep a night helps the level of Serotonin in the body, good level of serotonin and help against depression.


5.       Sleep may help us lose weight- Research shows people who have fewer than 7 hours of sleep a night are more likely to be overweight. The hormones Ghrelin and Leptin which regulate appetite can be disrupted by lack of sleep. To maintain or lose weight having adequate sleep is a necessity.


6.      Sleep improves memory- Sleep pays an important part in memory consolidation. During sleep our bodies may be resting, repairing and recovering but our brain is also busy at work, processing our day, feelings and events. Therefore, getting good quality sleep will help us remember and process things better.


7.      Sleep helps reduce inflammation- Lack of sleep increases stress hormones which raise the level of inflammation in the body. This causes a greater risk of heart disease as well as cancer and diabetes.

Sleep is something we should prioritize in our life, in order to gain so many health benefits.


Ways we can improve our quality of sleep is also something for us to think about.

Ways to improve sleep

1.      Reducing screen time at least 1.5 hours before bed.


2.      Not eating 2-3 hours before bed.


3.      Reducing artificial light 2-3 hours before bed.


4.      Developing a sleep preparation routine to relax and calm the body and mind.


5.      Getting out in natural daylight for at least 20 minutes in the morning will help sleep at night.


6.      Daily exercise that encourages breathing techniques such as Pilates or Yoga.


7.      Meditation and mindfulness can help reduce stress, relax and calm the body and mind.


8.      Having a cool bedroom will encourage good sleep.


Sleep is important for overall health and wellbeing, for our mental and physical health. It is a necessity and not a luxury. Let’s start making sleep a priority!





