The power of a positive mindset and positive affirmations.


I am a firm believer that positivity manifests positivity and negativity breeds negativity.

Experts continue to find evidence that our thoughts have a psychological effect on us but what is maybe more important is that they also have a physical effect on our body. Advantages of positive thinking include less stress, better overall physical and emotional health, longer life span and better coping skills are just some of them.

So, what is a positive mindset? I hear you ask and more importantly how can I get one?

A positive mindset is an emotional and mental attitude that focuses on the good and expects results that will be of benefit. This in turn will create a positive feedback loop that brings even more good into your life. What was I saying? Positivity manifests positivity.

It is having a glass half full mindset rather than a glass half empty. Looking for the positive in all situations.

I often speak to my clients about the power of a positive mindset and how we can re-frame how we think about something. Let’s say for example starting a workout schedule that means getting up slightly earlier every morning. Rather than being filled with dread you switch your mindset and look at that new addition as something that will enrich your life and make you feel happier, healthier, and more confident. Encourage yourself with the thought of working out then having a nutritious breakfast that will fuel your body and give you energy for the rest of the day. Do this every day and believe me you will start to look forward to getting up, working out, having a delicious breakfast before you know it!

Ok now we know what a positive mindset is, how do I get one?

We can introduce small habits everyday that will encourage and lead to a positive mindset.

Here are some of them:

Positive self-talk.

Positive imagery.

Trying to focus on good things.

Practicing gratitude.

Keeping a gratitude journal.

Spend time with positive people.

Looking at the bigger picture.

Practicing kindness towards others.

Positive affirmations.



Positive affirmations are one of my favourites as they are immensely powerful so let’s go into them a bit more.

An affirmation is a short, powerful, and positive statement of intent which is repeatedly regularly. Affirmations work on changing our thought process and directly feeding the brain positive information, programming it for success. It is effectively laying a new blueprint for your mind. Regular morning practise will set you up for a calm stress-free day. Writing down and saying the affirmation out loud in the morning for one to two minutes then, repeating it throughout the day is highly affective for a positive mindset.

The statement should be short, positive and in the present.

‘I am happy.’

‘I am calm and stress free.’

‘I am enough.’

‘I am strong.’

‘I am more powerful than I know.’

‘I am kind and loving.’

‘I am the architect of my own health and happiness.’


Affirmations can be changed regularly so that they don’t just become monotonous and loose their value and effect.

I will be sharing my positive affirmations with you on my social media pages. I hope you will join me and add them into your day for some positive benefit.


Changing our mindset one thought at a time. Let’s do this!




